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Send, 2005, oil on canvas, 148×175, private collection, Tel Aviv
Untitled, 2006, oil on canvas, 127×150
Untitled, 2006, oil on canvas, 96×115, the Brandes Family Art Collection, Tel Aviv
Untitled, 2006, oil on canvas, 76×90, private collection, New York
Untitled, 2006, oil on canvas, 76×90, private collection, Berlin
Untitled, 2006, oil on canvas, 76×90, private collection, Tel Aviv
Urban Eve, 2006, oil on canvas, 107×150, private collection, New York
Urban Eve, 2006, oil on canvas, 107×150, private collection, New York
Restreet, 2006, oil on canvas, 127×150, private collection, Jerusalem
Restreet, 2006, oil on canvas, 148×175, collection of Nataly and Zvika Barinboim, Herzliya Pituach